ART-ventures for Kids is a Leading Art Education Provider in Western MA and Northern CT


"The entire staff at ART-ventures for Kids are very professional and a pleasure to work with. The instructors do a great job with the children while providing them with quality art projects and keeping their interest throughout!" - Suffield Parks and Recreation Department


ART-ventures for Kids, offers creative exploration for children by blending art and imagination into unique art-based experiences and experiments. Our various programs expose children to a wide variety of artist's techniques and tools and art forms. By working with both 2- and 3-dimensional projects, we help art explorers think creatively about art and the amazing role it plays in our wonderful world!


Our Programs…

  • Inspire the imaginations and creativity of children
  • Provide unique and original art experiences using quality art materials
  • Promote the value of art 
  • Offer multiple imaginative art projects within a single exciting theme 
  • Incorporate literature, history, culture, humor and more
  • Inspire children to create art that is uniquely their own
  • Are led by inspiring and talented instructors 
  • Are affordable and easy for organizations to plan  
  • Include wicked cool, sometimes kooky art activities that kids love to do
  • Provide after-school stress release and are just plain FUN 
  • Fees and duration vary. Please contact us for specific information


After School Art Classes

Our multi-week art programs, held most often at school right after school, offer an amazing variety of unique art experiences. Learn more...



 Single Session Classes

One, two or three hour classes are perfect for special events, vacations, early release days, library programs and more. Call us to learn more.




ArtBursts are a BLAST! They offer a variety of art activities as "creation stations" allowing art explorers to move from one station to another at their own pace. Learn more...



  Preschool Art Classes

Storytime Art: provide one-of-a-kind literary adventures and promote reading comprehension while encouraging children to unleash their creativity. Learn more...




  • Would you like us to provide a program at your school? Please inquire


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