ART-ventures for Kids is a Leading Art Education Provider in Western MA and Northern CT
"The entire staff at ART-ventures for Kids are very professional and a pleasure to work with. The instructors do a great job with the children while providing them with quality art projects and keeping their interest throughout!" - Suffield Parks and Recreation Department
ART-ventures for Kids, offers creative exploration for children by blending art and imagination into unique art-based experiences and experiments. Our various programs expose children to a wide variety of artist's techniques and tools and art forms. By working with both 2- and 3-dimensional projects, we help art explorers think creatively about art and the amazing role it plays in our wonderful world!
Our Programs…
Our multi-week art programs, held most often at school right after school, offer an amazing variety of unique art experiences. Learn more...
ArtBursts are a BLAST! They offer a variety of art activities as "creation stations" allowing art explorers to move from one station to another at their own pace. Learn more...
Storytime Art: provide one-of-a-kind literary adventures and promote reading comprehension while encouraging children to unleash their creativity. Learn more...