Art Project Choices for ArtBursts or Art Activities for Events 

Ceramics Creations

Banks: Bear, Cupcake, Dinosaur, Dog, Elephant, Fish, Hippo, Pig, Robot, Skull, Superhero, Train, Turtle, Unicorn

 Fireworks T-shirts or Tote Bags - Twice the fun of tye dyeing with NONE of the mess!

Bubble Wrap T-shirts - printed with textile inks and bubble wrap  


Vibrant Marker Tie Dye T-shirts- Tied the traditional way but colored more vibrantly!



Wear your Art on your Heart T-shirts- Transfer handmade works of art onto T-shirts



Canvas Animal Toy -Choose from dogs, bears, assorted animals or assorted sealife

Baseball Caps in Assorted Colors - color and decorate

Colorful Puppet Pals - 6 different animals, color with markers and have a show

3-Dimensional Wooden Puzzles -choose Safari, Dinosaurs or Farm animals

Mosaic Picture Frames -color and decorate with mosaic bits, shells or buttons


Mexican "Tona" Animal Mask- made with Model Magic

Clay Coil Sculptures - Learn color mixing and the coil technique



Colorful Clay Pot - Learn to make a pinch pot, paint and decorate with beads 

Clay Relief Paintings- Choose Penguins or Seascape Themes

Jungle Animal Clay Sculptures - make animal heads with colorful clays


Model Magic Goblin Masks​ - sculpt them spooky or cute


Clay Monster Relief Sculpture - using colorful clays, wiggle eyes and more


Clay Dragon Relief Sculpture - sculpt and learn to texture clay


Model Magic Cupcake Sculpture - creates a craving for cupcakes, they look so real

Bird with Beaded Legs Sculpture - pinch pot body then decorate with feathers, wiggle eyes and beads


Fairy Houses -  paint and decorate with woodland decorations


Wooden Bird House - paint and decorate with feathers


Assorted Wooden Boxes - paint and decorate with gems and more

Day of the Dead Paper Mache Skulls - color and decorate with llots of whimsical things

Paper Mache Masks -color and decorate using pipe cleaners, beads, feathers and more


Magic Nuudle Structures - build with Magic Nuudles

Wooden 9" Dinosaur - paint and decorate


Wooden Plane - paint and decorate. It flies!


Treasure Chest with Gold Coins - Paint and decorate, search for treasure

Bark Paintings- Choose from several designs and learn about the ancient art


Race Cars- paint and decorate, has wheels that roll


African Masks -made of styrofoam, paint and decorate 



Kooky Critter Collage - Cardboard tube, clay head and kooky decorations

Art Car Parade - color and decorate with Kooky decorations!


Totem Poles -paint and decorate, learn about symbals and what they mean


Fluffy Goop Collages -  3-D abstract art using surprising ingredients


Cardboard Letter Collages - Color and decorate with bling!


Mosaic Box - Decoupage and decorate with mosaic bits and gems. Round, oval or square

Decoupage Boxes - Round, oval or square, decorate with colorful papers



Faux Stained Glass Frames - Choose

Bird, Parrot, Butterfly, Giraffe, Tiger, Ocean, or Celestial

Dinosaur Collage - Assorted shapes, decorate with an amazing assortment of cool stuff


Canvas Transfer Art - the art of transfering works of art on to canvas for a longer lasting masterpiece!

Festival Masks - color and decorate cardboard mask collages


Rainbow Mandala Collages - learn the ancient art of making rainbow-like Mandalas

3-D Wooden Magnets - Paint train, dog or lady bugs

Scratch Art -  Butterfly, turtle, penguin, heart, race cars, fish, safari, dinos, superheroes, masks


Venetian Masks - Color and decorate with bling and feathers


Wegman Dogs in Costume - create costumes for dogs. Hysterical!



Beading Station - design bracelets, key chains or necklaces using a huge variety of beads



Mural Making - a collaborative project, color with crayons, markers, colored pencils or pastels



Frosty Take Home Bags - color and decorate with markers an stickers



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